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Our Journey


January 2nd

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
*Nathanael is Preaching at our church while our Pastor is away on a trip
Preaching Nathanael Lancaster
Our Family sang Both Services
Isaac led the music
*It was so good to have Aunt Sondra with us today!

January 5th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached
Isaac led the music

January 9th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael ask John to Preach today.
John Preached both services
Our Family sang both services
Nathanael led the music and played the music along with Isaac and Jesse. We missed Chansley today as she was not feeling well.
*What a Blessing to have Aunt Sondra with us again today! We told her we could get used to that!


January 12th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached

January 16th

No Church - due to snow and ice
We had no power for 2 days

January 19th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached

January 23rd
(Sunday - AM)

Emmanuel Baptist Church - Pastor Brian Wilson
Columbus, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang

January 23rd    (Sunday - PM)

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached
Nathanael & Chansley sang

January 24th - 27th
Mon. - Thurs.

Gateway Baptist Church - Pastor Davy Shelton
Boiling Springs, SC
Our Family sang Tuesday & Wednesday
*A great week of Preaching, encouragement and help!

January 29th - 30th
  (Sat. - Sunday)

Drowning Creek Baptist Church - Pastor Billy Miller
Hickory, NC
Saturday Youth Meeting 
      Our Family sang
      John Preached
      Our Family sang
*A great weekend of Preaching & Worship with these folks


February 2nd

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached
Isaac led the music
*We are enjoying hearing Nathanael Preach while we are home.

February 6th
 (Sunday - AM)

Emmanueal Baptist Church - Pastor Brian Wilson
Columbus, NC
Our Family sang
John Preached

February 6th
  (Sunday - PM)

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
John Preached
Nathanael & Chansley sang

February 7th

Faith Baptist Church - Pastor Billy Cole
Laurens, SC
Preachers Fellowship
Our Family sang
*A really good meeting

February 9th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruf, SC
Assistant Preacher Nathanael Lancaster
John Preached 

February 13th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Assistant Preacher Nathanael Lancaster
Nathanael Preached AM & PM
Nathanael & Chansley sang in the AM service
Our Family sang in the PM service


February 16th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Assistant Preacher Nathanael Lancaster
Nathanael Preached
Isaac led the music

February 20th - 25th
(Sunday - Fri.)

Landrum Independent Baptist Church - Pastor Shane Jackson
Landrum, SC

John Preached Sunday morning
Nathanael Preached Sunday at 2:00
Nathanael & Chansley sang Sunday
John Carl sang Sunday and Wednesday
Our Family sang each morning and Wednesday night
*We enjoyed our oldest Grandson singing with us on  Wednesday night.
It was a great week!! We thank the Lord for His help!!

February 27th - March 2nd
 (Sunday - Wed.)

Camp Zion work week - Pastor Earl Farley
Myrtle, MS
John Preached on Sunday morning
Our Family sang Sunday & Wednesday
*It was a Blessing to be at Myrtle Baptist and hear Bro. Earl Preach
*We had a great week of fellowship while getting things ready for Camp Zion

 March 6th
(Sunday - AM)

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached
Nathanael & Chansley sang
*A Blessing to see the Lord's touch 0n them as they sang

 March 6th
(Sunday - PM)

Ingleside Baptist Church - Pastor Shane Ezell
Landrum, SC
John Preached
Our Family sang
*We enjoyed being with John Carl & Hallie and the Grands! Today is Charles 2nd Birthday.  We enjoyed Carl and Rachel singing with us !

March 9th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached

March 13th - 16th
(Sunday - Wed.)

Camp Zion - Pastor Earl Farley
Myrtle, MS
John Preached on Tuesday
Our Family sang through the week

*Wednedsay after lunch John had a mild stroke. He had to spend Thursday night in the Hospital in MS.  We thank the Lord for taking good care of John and that we were able to travel home on Saturday.

March 20th
   Sunday PM

Center Pigeon Baptist Church - Pastor Scott Poole
Canton, NC
Nathanael Preached
Isaac and Jesse sang
*John was scheduled to preach and our family was to sing all week. Due to John having the mild stroke while we were in MS we sadly had to cancel this week.  We were thrilled Nathanael could Preach and the the boys could sing on Sunday night.
We rested all week and worked on getting Johns sugar and blood pressure down. 
We thank the Lord for His great love and care and for touching John and for helping him to feel better each day.

March 27th - April 1st
 Sunday - Fri.

Hillcrest Baptist Church - Pastor Kenneth Poarch
Lenoir, NC
Young Preachers Revival - Moderator Bradley Walker
John Preached Sunday Morning -- What A Blessing!!!!!!!
Nathanael Preached Sunday Night
Our Family sang each service 
Nathanael & Chansley sang Sunday Night
John Carl & Hallie and the Children sang Tuesday night
*It was a great week!! We sure loved having our family with us!!  We thank the Lord for the AMAZING things He did this week. For helping John each day and for touching His people! Also for helping Isaac and Jesse as they played their instruments. Jesse did all the guitar playing as John is not playing his guitar yet since having the mild stroke.  GOD IS SO GOOD!!! We Praise His Name!!!

  April 3rd

Old Rugged Cross Baptist Church - Pastor Jerry Allen
Shelby, NC
Revival: Preaching Bro. Doug Foster
Our Family sang AM & PM
*It was a great day of worship and fellowship!!!

April 10th - 15th
(Sunday - Fri.)

Immanuel Baptist Church - Pastor Doug Foster
Florence, KY
John Preached on Sunday night 
Our Family sang each service
*We thank the Lord for the Great Preaching we heard and for helping us and all that attended. It was a great week of Preaching, Singing, Fellowship and Praying!

April 17th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Isaac and Jesse helped with the music
Jesse sang "Gods Blood Was Plenty"

Nathanael & Chansley sang
It was great to be at our home church for Easter and hear our Pastor Preach,

April 20th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached out of Daniel

April 24th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached out of 2 Corinthians

April 25th - 29th
(Mon. - Fri.)

Crossroads Rescue Mission Jubilee - Moderator Bro. Rocky Shelton
Shelby, NC
Our Family sang Tuesday night, Thursday and Friday morning
*A great week of Jubilee and Fellowship

April 26th

Today we celebrated Johns 66th birthday!
We thank the Lord John is doing well and is able to travel, Preach and Sing for the Lord! Its been 6 weeks since he had the mild stroke.

 April 29th
(Fri. evening)

Tonight we went to Laurens in the Clock parking lot and watched John Carl Sing in Concert. The grands sang with him on several songs and we sang with him on a few songs. It was a great day.

May 1st

True Gospel Baptist Church - Pastor Rick Shoemaker
Trinity, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang
*It was a Blessing to be with these folks again.
It was a great homecoming day!

     May 8th
"Mothers Day"

Macedonia Baptist Church - Pastor Taylor Pennell
Taylorsville, NC
Bro. Taylor Pennell Preached
Our Family sang
*Such a sweet service! A Blessing to be with these folks.
On the way to church Our van overheated. We thank the Lord for the very nice man that stopped and helped us two times. We made it right on time!


May 9th

Nursing Home Revival
Rutherfordton, NC
Bro. Shane Jackson Preached
Our Family sang
*It was a great morning!

May 10th - 13th
     (Tues. - Fri.)

Calvary Baptist Church - Pastor Carl Southerland
Hornbeak, Tenn.
Our Family sang Wednesday and Friday
A great meeting of preaching and worship and fellowship.


May 15th

Hebron Ridge Baptist Church - Pastor Charles Allbrooks
Quitman, MS
John Preached
Our Family sang
A Great Homecoming day with our Hebron Ridge Friends

May 16th - 19th
   (Mon. - Thurs.)

Lighthouse Baptist Church - Pastor Greg Bray
Bruce, MS
John Preached each night
Our Family sang each night
*What a wonderful week of Preaching, Praying, Shouting and Singing! And Great Fellowship!

  May 22nd
(Sunday - AM)

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Nathanael Preached
Nathanael & Chansley sang
Isaac helped with the music
*So good and a Blessing to hear Nathanael Preach!

 May 22nd
(Sunday - PM)

Lighthouse Baptist Church - Pastor Enoch Wilson
Enoree, SC
Pastor Wilson Preached a very timely message!
Our Family sang
*It was a Blessing to be with these dear folks again.

May 24th

Broad River Baptist Church - Pastor David Anderson
Rutherfordton, NC
Camp Meeting
Our Family sang
*great to be at camp meeting outside in the nice cool air.

  May 29th
(Sunday - AM)

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached
John Lead the Music
Isaac & Jesse Played their instruments
Our Family sang
*Nathanael away Preaching Revival

   May 29th
(Sunday - PM)

Faith Baptist Church - Pastor Billy Cole
Laurens, SC
John Preached
Our Family sang

May 30th - 31th
(Mon. - Tues.)

Freedom Baptist Church - Pastor John Fortner
Boiling Springs, SC
Nathanael Preached
Our Family sang
*It was a Blessing to have our whole family with us on Monday night.
We enjoyed helping John Carl sing and the Grandbabies helped us sing too and did a GREAT job singing out!
We enjoyed hearing Nathanael Preach and hearing Nathanael and Chansley sing.

  June 5th - 8th
   (Sunday - Wed.)

Smith Chapel Baptist Church - Pastor JT Baskins
Colt, Arkansas
Camp Meeting
Our Family sang through the week
John spoke on Wednesday Morning

 June 9th

Our 7th Grandbaby was born today to John Carl & Hallie.
Daniel Ray Lancaster
8lbs    21 inches long
We thank the Lord for this new little Blessing!

June 12th

Fairfield Baptist Church - Pastor Ben Tanner
Demorest, GA
Bro. Keith Allison Preached
Our Family sang
*What a Blessing to be at Fairfield again with Pastor Tanner and his sweet family and church Family. It was a Blessing to hear Bro. Keith Preach and fellowship with him and Ms. Carolyn.


June 15th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached/taught a soul winning class.

  June 19th
"Fathers Day"

Victory Baptist Church - Pastor LeRoy Thrift
Anderson, SC
Revival Sunday
Bro. Randy Bane Preached
Our Family sang for the Sunday School hour, and during the 11 and 6 o'clock services.

*It was a great day of worship and fellowhip!

*We enjoyed John Carl & Hallie and the Grands coming for a visit Saturday night for Fathers Day.

And then we enjoyed Nathanel & Chansley surprising us by coming Sunday night to be with us in the service.


June 26th

Heading 1

Wayside Baptist Church - Pastor Sammy Kiser
Taylorsville, NC
John Preached AM & PM
Our Family sang both services
*We were happy to have Tammy's mom in the AM service on her 80th Birthday!

June 27th - July 1st
(Mon. - Fri.)

Taylorsville Baptist Camp Meeting - Pastor Steve Dagenhart
Taylorsville, NC                                                       
Co. Moderator: Bro. Jamie Fox
Our Family sang on Wednesday and Thursday morning
*A great week of Preaching!!  A wonderful week of fellowship!!


June 29th

Millersville Baptist Church - Pastor Bill Oren
Taylorsville, NC
We enjoyed being with these folks and hearing Bro. Oren Preach a great message

July 3rd

Fairview Baptist Church - Pastor Durant Barr
Hiddenite, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang
*A great day in the house of the Lord with His People

July 6th

Wayside Baptist Church - Pastor Brad Williams
Hillsborough, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang
We enjoyed being with the Williams Family and their sweet church family.  We also enjoyed wonderful fellowship at the delicious ice-cream celebration for the 4th 

July 10th

Faith Baptist Church - Pastor John Kinsey
Emporia, Va
John Preached at 2:00
Our Family sang during the 11:00 and 2:00 o'clock services
It was a great day together and we thank the Lord for moving and helping his people. We thank the Lord for helping our family!!

July 17th

Welcome Baptist Church - Pastor Jeff Woods
Danville, Virginia
John Preached Sunday morning & Sunday night
Our Family sang both services
*We thank the Lord for meeting with us and for letting John Play "He'll Roll You Over the Tide"!!!

**Today is Isaac's 26th Birthday. We enjoyed Celebrating with the Woods family. And John playing on Isaac's bday was an answered Prayer for Isaac! What a Blessing! We thank the Lord for this extra Birthday Blessing!!!!!!

July 24th - 27th
(Sunday - Wed.)

Camp Zion - Pastor Earl Farley
Myrtle, MS
John led the music
Our Family sang through the week
John Preached on Monday and
Preached 3 minutes on Wednesday
*What a GREAT Camp!!
We heard GREAT Preaching and we thank the Lord for ALL He did!!


July 31st

Calvary Bible Church - Pastor Mark Hill
Bristol, Virginia
John Preached in the Sunday School Hour
Our Family sang in Sunday School and the 11 O'clock hour 
and for the 6:00 pm service
*It was a great day of worship and fellowship. We thank the Lord for the precious soul saved!


August 2nd

Today is John Carl & Nathanael's 31st Birthday
*We went to Ingleside Baptist Church to be with John Carl on his birthday. 
*We enjoyed seeing Andrew & Mary Beth Jones and hearing them sing. And we enjoyed seeing Bro. Bobby Stewart and hearing him preach.

August 3rd

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
It was a Blessing to hear our Pastor Preach again.
We enjoyed spending some time with Nathanael and Chansley for their birthdays. 

August 7th

Sunrise Baptist Church - Interim Pastor James Hefner
Hudson, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang for the Sunday School hour and
during the 11 AM Service
*It was a great day with these folks. We thank the Lord for helping His people.

August 14th

Brooklyn Baptist Church - Pastor Clay Collins
Chesnee, SC
Homecoming: Preaching Bro. Alan Lamb
Our Family sang
*What a Blessing to be here for Homecoming.
Great Preaching and sweet fellowship!

August 15th - 18th
 (Mon. - Thurs.)

Old Kentucky Camp Meeting - Pastor Arville Duncan
Smithfield, KY
John Preached on Wednesday morning
Our Family sang each service
*What a Blessing to be part of this meeting!!
Great Preaching and a Privilege to sing for our Lord!
Great Fellowship!!

August 20th - 21st
(Sat. - Sunday)

Mt. Zion Baptist Church - Pastor Rob Pelkey
Sellersburg, Indiana
John Preached Saturday night, taught Sunday School Sunday morning and Preached Sunday afternoon in the 1:30 Worship Service
Our Family sang Saturday night, and Sunday morning and Sunday Afternoon.
*It was a Blessing to be with these folks!!!

August 28th

Unity Baptist Church  -  Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Family sang during the morning and evening services
*It was a great day. Great to see the Lord touch His People and great to hear our Pastor Preach!

September 4th

Drowning Creek Baptist Church - Pastor Billy Miller
Hickory, NC
John Preached 
Our Family sang
*What a Blessing to see and feel the Lord move in the service!  We thank the Lord for a Great day!

September 7th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
*We enjoyed hearing our Pastor speak and then we enjoyed a time of fellowship with our church family.

September 11th

Emmanuel Baptist Church - Pastor Brian Wilson
Columbus, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang

September 14th - 16th
(Wed. - Fri.)

Temple Baptist Church - Pastor Terry Deitz
Kannapolis, NC
Our Family sang through the meeting
*Great Preaching and Fellowshipping with Sweet People

September 18th
  (Sunday AM)

Maryville Baptist Tabernacle - Pastor Rick Smelcer
Maryville, Tenn.
Kick Off to Camp Meeting
Our Family sang
*A wonderful day with these folks and great preaching and fellowship!

Heading 1

September 18th
(Sunday PM)

Ingleside Baptist Church - Pastor Shane Ezell
Landrum, SC
Our Family sang
*A Blessing to be in church with John Carl & Hallie and the grands on Carl's 8th birthday. 

September 21st - 23rd
Wed. - Fri. AM)

Mt. Carmel Baptist Camp Meeting - Pastor Phillip Kuykendoll
Moderator Bro. John Morgan
Flat Rock, NC
Our Family sang 
*We thank the Lord for saving a young man while we sang John Carl's song "Back Home" and it was on Tammy's birthday.
*It was a Blessing to have John Carl & Hallie and the grands in the service with us on Thursday night.

September 23rd
 (Fri. PM)

Highpoint Baptist Camp Meeting - Moderator Bro. David Younger
Highpoint, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang
*It was a blessing to see a lot of our old friends and meet some new ones.

September 24th - 25th
(Sat - Sunday)

Fairview Baptist Church - Pastor Ken Burris
Albemarle, NC
Our Family sang Saturday night in concert.
John Preached on Sunday and our Family sang.
* great days of fellowship and worship.

September 28th - 30th
 (Wed. - Fri.)

Victory Baptist Church - Pastor Amos Neihaus
Owenton, KY
John Preached Wednesday night
Our Family sang each service
*A great week of Preaching & sweet fellowship

October 2nd - 3rd
 (Sunday - Mon.)

Harvest Baptist Church - Pastor Donald Gant
Statesville, NC
40th Homecoming
John Preached Monday night
Our Family sang each service
*A Great Celebration time with great Preaching and Fellowship

October 4th - 7th
(Tues. - Fri.)

Calvary Baptist Church - Pastor Carl Southerland
Hornbeak, Tenn.
John Preached Wednesday Night
Our Family sang each day
*Great Preaching and fellowship
*Great to see the Lord move and touch His people on Thursday morning. We thank Him for helping our family.
* Tuesday was Jesse's 9th Spiritual Birthday

October 9th & 12th
(Sunday & Wed.)

Souls Harbor Baptist Church - Pastor Nathaniel Kealer
Mexico, Missouri
Our Family sang during both services on Sunday
John Preached Wednesday night & Our Family sang
*Great to be with these sweet folks

October 10th - 14th
 (Mon. - Fri.)

KJAB Radio Share - A - Thon - Host Gilbert & Shari Humphrey
Mexico, Missouri
Our Family sang each day
John Preached on Tuesday & Friday
Isaac and Jesse enjoyed talking on the radio all week and helping with the Share a Thon. They also enjoyed playing music live with Bro. Gilbert and Pastor Kealer and some other new friends through the week.
John & Tammy talked some on the radio and enjoyed hearing from John Carl and Nathanael.
John Carl wrote a great jingle for the radio station.
Tammy enjoyed helping Ms. Shari cook dinner for all the workers each day.
*It was a Great week watching the Lord Bless the Radio station through His people.
Great fellowship with great friends!


October 16th - 20th
 (Sunday - Thurs.)

Silver Creek Baptist Camp Meeting
Mt. Zion Baptist Church - Pastor Rob Pelkey
Sellersburg, Indiana
Our Family sang each service
Bro. Larry Winkler was the main Preacher each night
*It was a great week of great Preaching and worship, and great fellowship with old friends and new friends.
We thank the Lord for the precious soul He saved on Thursday night.

October 23rd

Victory Baptist Church - Pastor LeRoy Thrift
Anderson, SC
Our Family sang for the Sunday School hour.
John Preached and we sang for the 11:00 service.
Our Family sang for the afternoon Singing
*It was a great Homecoming day with Great fellowshipping and dinner on the ground.


October 28th - 30th
 (Fri. - Sunday)

Lebanon Baptist Church - Pastor Lane Finley
Ripley, MS
John Preached on Sunday AM and PM
Our Family sang on Saturday night and both services on Sunday.
*A great time of Worship and fellowship with these dear folks.

October 31st - Nov. 3rd
(Mon. - Thurs.)

Harvest Baptist Church - Pastor Mark Biddy
Dawsonville, GA
John Preached Thursday morning
Our Family sang Monday and Wednesday
*A great meeting. Great Preaching and fellowship!

November 6th - 10th
 (Sunday - Thurs.)

Wayside Baptist Church - Pastor Sammy Kiser
Taylorsville, NC
John Preached each night
Our Family sang each night
*It was a Blessing to Have John Carl & Hallie and the Grands in service with us Tuesday night. We enjoyed them singing during the service.
*It was a great week of worship and fellowship

November 13th
(Sunday AM)

Victory Baptist Church - Pastor Ricky Easter
Henderson, NC
Old Fashioned Day
Pastor Easter Preached
Our Family sang
*What a great day of worship, fellowship and food

November 13th - 16th
(Sunday PM - Wed.)

Midway Baptist Church - Pastor Charles Mustian
Jamestown, NC
Thanksgiving Jubilee
Our Family sang Sunday, Tuesday & Wednesday
*What a Blessing to be at Jubilee again with old friends and new friends. It was a great week of great preaching and fellowship

November 17th - 18th
 (Thurs. - Fri.)

Bible Way Baptist Church - Pastor Michael Greene
Boone, NC
John Preached Thursday Afternoon
Our Family sang both day
*A great two day of Preaching and worship and food

November 20th

Crosspointe Baptist Church - Pastor Dave Varnell
Fremont, NC
Homecoming & Family day
Pastor Varnell Preached
Our Family sang
*It was great to be with these folks again. We thank the Lord for saving 3 Precious souls. What a Blessing!

November 27th
 (Sunday - AM)

Green Mountain Baptist Church - Pastor Randy Baker
Lenoir, NC
John Preached
Our Family sang
*What a Blessing to be with these folks! Great worship and fellowship

November 27th
(Sunday - PM)

Victory Baptist Church - Pastor Phillip Coffey
Taylorsville, NC
Our Family sang
Great to be with these folks again. Amazing how fast 10 years went by!

December 2nd - 4th
 (Fri. - Sunday)

Grace Baptist Church - Pastor Lloyd Jones
Newton, NC
Revival: Moderator Bro. JP Barber
John Preached each service
Our Family sang each service
*It was a great Weekend  of worship and fellowship with these sweet folks!

December 11th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached
John led the music
Isaac and Jesse Played for congregation singing
Our Family sang
*Nathanael was away Preaching today


December 18th

Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
Our Pastor Preached
Nathanael & Chansley sang both services
Our Family sang Sunday night

   December 25th
Christmas Morning             (Sunday)


Unity Baptist Church - Pastor Steve Sisk
Woodruff, SC
*It was a wonderful Christmas morning to be in church at our home church.
Our Pastor read the Christmas story and we all sang Christmas songs led by Nathanael, as we went through the Story of our Saviors birth. Nathanael & Chansley sang specials, Jesse sang "The Gift" written by John Carl, and our family sang "O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem". The Lord moved in and we enjoyed a time of testimonies Praising and Thanking our Lord!


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